How to Make Babies

Welcome to my guide on how to make babies. The art of pleasuring and baby-making have been thought from generations to generations. Sadly enough the world has became worse and worse every day and almost forgotten the good old ways. By following steps you'll become the best baby-maker since... The good old days!

Step 0: Checking Your Gender

Knowing what gender you are is always important, just to avoid any confusion along the road. One simple way is to take off your pants and see if you have a sausage or a badly wrapped kebab. If you have the sausage you're a male. If you have a badly wrapped kebab you're a female. If you don't have anything then I'm sorry but you can not participate in this guide, please leave.

Step 1: Finding Your Partner

Finding a partner is the most important step in this guide. This ranges from hooking up with complete strangers to having a girlfriend/boyfriend. For males this can be tough. The chase for babies can last for entire years if neccessary. A quick way though would be chatting up that crazy woman that lives off garbage and gum of the ground. For femalse this is easy. Flash your boobs and the guys will come instantely, 99% of times this will always work. After you found your partner check if he/she has any sexual transmitted diseases, because safety is the number one priority here. If he/she does have one then you can take the risk getting diseased, yolo basically, or finding a new partner that doesn't have a disease.
And there is always the route of rape, bestiality and that other nonsense. Should only be used in emergencies. 


Step 2: Doing "It"

The art of baby-making needs both participants, or multiple, to have a good time. Light some candles, plant roses everywhere, paint everything red, just do anything to make it pleasing to you and your partner.
After that is done you and your partner should just do it. Take off your clothes and begin to do your role. The train goes into the tunnel, then the train unloading it's goods, simple as that. If that happened then congratz! You have successully made a baby. If you are a women then your baby will arrive in X amount of months. If you are a man then you don't have to do anything really, if you aren't those weird mutant males who have a womb of course.


What have you learned from this guide? How to make babies, how to check your gender and how to hook up with people. Impressive ins't it? Yes, yes it is. I now bid my farewell. Good day to y'all.

Warning: I don't take responsibility if you get your genitilia stuck in another genitalia or any other injuries or diseases you might get. It is your own fault for doing it, not mine.